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We Speak the Language of Fintech

TwentyFold's taxonomy isn't just a list of categories; it's a living map of the fintech ecosystem. Developed by our industry experts, it reflects the nuances of fintech business models and helps you drill down to the specific companies that matter to you.

  • Market Research: Quickly identify all the players in a niche sector like "Embedded Insurance".
  • Competitive Analysis: See who's offering similar products or targeting the same markets as your portfolio companies.
  • Due Diligence: Uncover insights others miss. Discover more fintechs. Go beyond surface-level data. TwentyFold's deep dataset gives you a complete view of potential partners, investments, and the competitive landscape.
Owl - 360 degree view of fintech

Beyond the Obvious

The challenge isn't just finding fintechs, it's finding the right ones, fast. TwentyFold's search tools go deeper, saving you time and uncovering promising opportunities tailored to your investment thesis.

  • Pinpoint Your Focus: Filter by sector, business model, stage of funding, geography, and more – all using our fintech-specific taxonomy.
  • Tech Insights: Search based on a company's technology stack to find those with specific capabilities (e.g., AI-powered lending).
  • Traction Matters: See metrics like funding rounds, recent partnerships, or regulatory licenses to gauge a company's progress.
  • Market Validation: Identify fintechs attracting interest from other investors you respect.
  • Alerts: Get notified when new companies matching your criteria are added, or when portfolio companies hit milestones.

It is not acceptable not to be aware of a company, especially if your peers know them. TwentyFold’s platform provides the depth and precision to ensure we leave no stone unturned in our search for the next big thing.

Fintech Investor

A Venture Capital Firm specializing in early-stage investments